How do you create and improve procurement data visibility together with IT in a complex organization?
Today’s businesses have gone from possibly complicated to really complex. A good example is a company like Dentsply Sirona, which has grown through mergers and acquisitions, with numerous ERPs and many stakeholders. A decision was made to centralize procurement and thereby a requirement for centralized procurement data visibility and analytics. How did they do it? Procurement teamed up with IT to gather and validate data, build models and share that data with stakeholders for continuous improvement. They started by taking the requirements from procurement, supply chain and finance into consideration. Here you will learn about how they went about creating that structure and discuss lessons learned in the group:
Learn more about and discuss:
- What are the efficient ways to gather and analyze multiple ERP procurement data?
- How have procurement and IT collaborated to create a single source of truth?
- What is the role of stakeholders like site procurement and category teams in advancing the data?
- How do you ensure the business trust and use the data available, short and long term?
Aneesh Venkataraman
Manager, Procurement Tools, Technology & Automation
Dentsply Sirona
Neil Banfield
Business Analyst Global Data Warehouse & Corporate BI
Dentsply Sirona