For too long functions in large organizations have been divided into units. Deciding what one does and the other don’t do. Today there are every possibility to break those silos and find ways to collaborate across functions. Because it’s a must. How else will you be in control of and find ways to utilize the possibilities in your supply chain and cash flow? Welcome to join any of the two sessions hosted by Daniel and Martin!
Why You (Procurement) need to team up with Finance for Spend Management success and how to establish trust and alignment with Finance
Procurement at CEVA Logistics, a leading global logistics and supply chain organization, teamed up with Finance to take their spend management from fragmented to world class with an agile rollout to 40 territories. During this session you will learn how CEVA Logistics chose to structure that collaboration. Learn why Finance is your best friend and most important ally for successful Spend Management.
During this session you will discuss;
- You have heard that Procurement and Finance should be working together, right?
- But why exactly is that and how do you achieve that?
- With diverging targets, KPIs, incentives and systems, how can alignment be achieved?
- We will talk about the cornerstones of this relationship and get concrete about the “why” and the ”how”.
Daniel Saraste
SVP Product Strategy and Innovation
Martin Casserdahl
Source-to-Pay Advisor