If you have ver been part of a large (or any really) transformation project you know paper strategies not always come true. That technology implementations not always deliver as promised or that behavioral change just doesn’t happen. Change always happen – maybe just not entirely in the direction You want.
The below session is hosted by Mark Gustafson at Electrolux, a person with a lot of experiences manageing transformation projects. But just as you with the need to benchmark and learn from peers. This is a hence a benchmark session where all answers are not “on the table” but where you can exchange good and bad experiences! Is there a better thing than that?
Benchmark | How do you drive global transformation projects?
Technology combined with changing people’s behavior are what most business transformation strategies consist of. At Electrolux a Group Purchasing PMO (program management office) is in charge of ensuring global strategic and practical changes are executed. They are in charge of tool rollouts, cross organization ways of working, process changes and making sure the organization understand and adapt to changes. How do you ensure this structure constantly evolves? How do you assess skills needed and adapt training resources? Discuss how you drive strategies from a group perspective as well as;
- How do you define the scope of and touchpoint between different change initiatives?
- In what ways do you adapt training resources depending on skills assessment in the organization?
- How do you incorporate feedback and continuous improvement in your project tools and methods?
- How you change your focus from program’s project phase to its operational phase?
Mark Gustafson
Program Director, Global Purchasing Strategic Initiatives